Richard Lehman

Director, AMIPP

Materials Science and Engineering

Phone:848-445-2317 or 609-203-2501 (cell)
Office Hours: By appointment
Website: Personal Home Page -- Richard Lehman

Dr. Lehman received his Ph.D. in Ceramics and Materials Engineering from Rutgers University.  He joined the Rutgers faculty after several years experience working in the fiberglass and industrial chemical industries.  During these years he held positions of research engineer and group leader of an applied research team.  He later became commercial development manager for functional fluids and and product manager for polymer additives.

Dr. Lehman’s research academic interests center on the glass transition and the processing and properties of inorganic and organic glasses, particularly the mechanical, optical and chemical behavior of commercially important systems. His current research is focused on the mechanical and chemical properties of polymer blends, with principal attention towards immiscible blends, the behavior of multiphase composite interfaces, and applicability of these systems in structural and biomedical applications.


Ph.D., Ceramic Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1972
M.S., Ceramic Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1975
B.S., Summa Cum Laude, Ceramic Science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 1976

Research Interests

Dr. Lehman's research interests center on the glass transition and the processing and properties of inorganic and organic glasses, particularly the mechanical, optical and chemical behavior of commercially important systems. His current research is focused on the mechanical and chemical properties of polymer blends, with principal attention towards immiscible blends, the behavior of multiphase composite interfaces, and applicability of these systems in structural and biomedical applications. He is also active in developing manufacturing technologies for commercial soda lime silicate glasses, particularly in the area of recycled raw materials.

Selected Publications

  • G.Giancola, R.L.Lehman and J. D. Idol, “Melt processing and domain morphology of PMMA/HDPE polymer blends prepared from powder precursors”, Journal of Powder Technology, 218, 18–22 (2012).
  • G. Giancola and R.L Lehman, "Uniquely identifying polymer composite domains using energy-dispersive spectroscopy", invited article for SPE Plastics Research online, in press, April 2012.
  • G.Giancola, R.L.Lehman and S.Miller, Phase Inversion Composition and Domain Identification by Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy in Immiscible Blends of Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) and Polyamide6,10, Polymer Engineering and Science, in press January 2012.
  • G.Giancola and R.L.Lehman, “In-situ formation of nano-scale PMMA network structures on the surface of immiscible polymer blends by solvent extraction and redeposition”, Journal of Polymer Engineering, in press, January 2012.
  • G.Giancola, R. Lehman and J.D. Idol, “Sustainable Polymer Composites: Immiscible Blends Prepared by Extrusion of Poly(trimethylene terephthalate) and Polyamide6,10 with High Bio-Based Content”, International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, accepted Febrary-27-2012, In Press.
  • G.Giancola and R. Lehman, “Viscosity and domain morphology in binary immiscible blends of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) and polyamide6,10”, Journal of Polymer Engineering, submitted February 22, 2012.
  • G. Giancola and R.L Lehman, "In-situ formation of nano-scale PMMA network structures on the surface of immiscible polymer blends by solvent extraction and redeposition", poster session presented at the fall meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA. (2011).
  • G.Giancola and R.L Lehman, "Micro/nano structure and morphology of multi-phase polymer/oxide composites prepared by polymer melt processing", Materials Research Society, 1297 (2010), 10-24. 
  • G.Giancola and R.L Lehman, “Immiscibility and Nanostructure of Advanced Polymer Structural Composites Prepared From Bio-based Components”, poster session presented at the fall meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA. (2010).
  • G.Giancola and R.L Lehman, “Micro/Nano Structure and Morphology of Multi-Phase Polymer/Oxide Composites Prepared by Polymer Melt Processing”, poster session presented at the fall meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA. (2010).
  • Giancola, G. and Lehman, R. L, “A Powder Processing Route to Polymer Composites”, poster session presented at the fall meeting of the Materials Research Society, Boston, MA.(2009).
  • Giancola, G. and Lehman, R.L., “A Powder Processing Route to Polymer Composites” Proceedings of the Fall Meeting of the Materials Research Society: Vol. 1209.(2009).
  • Giancola, G., Lehman, R.L., Crawford, H., et al., “New Strategies to Increase the Customer Base of the Crystal Glass Industry,” Proceedings of the International Crystal Federation Technical Conference, Siena, Italy (2007).